• Marketing Analyst
  • A marketing analyst is a professional that analyzes data to support a company’s marketing efforts.This job means being an investigator, tracking trends, and uncovering new opportunities.

    Various skills required for becoming a succesful Marketing Analyst are as follows:

    A marketing analyst is a professional that analyzes data to support a company’s marketing efforts.This job means being an investigator, tracking trends, and uncovering new opportunities.

    1.Advanced Data Analytics

    The ability to communicate effectively is critical for logistics analysts, who must be able to convey information clearly and concisely to those who need it.Logistics analysts must be able to explain complex concepts in simple terms, and they must be able to listen carefully to others in order to understand their needs.

    I.Data visualization

    You may be comfortable understanding technical data, but other stakeholders won't be. Visualization takes raw data and turns it into visual elements, such as:Tables,Charts,Graphs,maps.These visuals help stakeholders better interpret the data. Top visualization tools to be familiar with include:Tableau,Power Business Intelligence, Google Charts.

    II.Data cleaning

    Tableau describes data cleaning as “the process of fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset.”You’ll often need to pull data from several locations and across several formats to generate insights. So you’ll need to arrange the data into a uniform structure and remove any inconsistencies and errors.It’s possible to clean data by hand using Python and R, but you can also prepare your data with an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool. An ETL platform aggregates, cleans, and stores data without manual intervention.

    2.Experiment Design Experience

    Experiment design is crucial for uncovering trends to pay attention to.This skill allows marketing analysts to go beyond basic A/B testing and adapt to changing circumstances like iOS 15s privacy updates.Some aspects that you can experiment on include the company’s: Marketing budget allocation, Landing page copy, PPC campaigns, Graphic design choices, Email campaigns.

    3. Attribution Modelling

    Attribution modelling is vital for understanding the impact of your company’s marketing activities. It involves analyzing which channels and touchpoints are responsible for a marketing conversion. For example: Content marketing, Twitter ads, Advertising campaigns and paid search , Google Ads , Email campaigns.And it’s your job as a marketing analyst to decide which attribution model to run.


    Forecasting is predictive modelling which involves predicting customer behaviour based on past interactions. You can use this behavior to: Skew marketing resources towards customers that are more likely to convert, Decide when and where to provide content to customers, Increase customer lifetime value through relevant cross and up sells, Craft a digital marketing strategy.Marketing forecasts can affect: Long-term management decisions, Sales teams, Investor perceptions, Product strategy, To create accurate forecasts marketing analysts rely on: MATLAB and Excel.

    5.Project Management and Reporting

    As a marketing analyst, you’ll be running many projects across forecasting, experiment design, and data analysis. To keep all these moving parts in working order, you’ll need project management skills. You’ll also need to coordinate with many stakeholders, including: Engineers Graphic designers. The marketing team Sales and business development. It’s a good idea to use a project management tool like Trello or Basecamp. These tools can help you track the project’s progress while keeping stakeholders informed and improving work efficiency.

    6.Market Research Skills

    Market research is a foundational skill for any marketing analyst. This skill allows you to design practical experiments and gather data that help to improve your marketing strategies. Marketing analysts in 2022 will typically deal with quantitative data. But you may need to do qualitative research like customer interviews and surveys. Some examples of market research include: Analysing competitor tactics, Analysing marketing tools, Determining product-market fit for a new product or service analysing customer journey data ,Developing new ways to analyse marketing results.

    7.Customer Service Know-how

    Knowing general customer service skills also helps build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders. It pays to chat with customers or spend time doing customer service to understand the customer experience. Gaining direct customer feedback will help you better understand their wants and needs, allowing you to craft better marketing experiments.

    8.Creativity and Diversity of Thought

    Experiment design is crucial for uncovering trends to pay attention to.This skill allows marketing analysts to go beyond basic A/B testing and adapt to changing circumstances like iOS 15s privacy updates.Some aspects that you can experiment on include the company’s: Marketing budget allocation, Landing page copy, PPC campaigns, Graphic design choices, Email campaigns.

    9.A Mix of Soft Skills

    Consumers' preferences always change. For example, with the growing demand for more visual forms of marketing, more and more companies have begun to embrace video marketing campaigns. So creativity and thought diversity lead to out-of-the-box thinking.